Monday, April 20, 2009

Kudos to Kevin

Today I have to honor my friend Kevin (aka Chicken Legs) who just completed the Leona Divide 50 ultra marathon. Chicken Legs is the guy in the green helmet wearing the leg gators hoping it will make his legs look bigger. He's a runner, great athlete and phenomenal climber but has never run so much as a marathon. I'm not sure if he's ever tired a half-marathon. Anyway, he set his goal on a 50 mile ultra and pulled off a stunning finishing time of 10:53:10. It must be said that he woke up late and arrived at the race 8 minutes after the start making his true time a more impressive 10:45:10. His finishing time qualifies him for the Western States 100 in 2010 which he is now considering. My hat is off to his accomplishment....GREAT JOB C.L.!!!!


Kevin Faul said...

Thanks dude! Let's do something enduro soon.


mars said...

What a cool achievement!!!! Remember when you tricked Chuck into doing Avenue of the Giants? Keep on runnin! M

Kevin Faul said...

haha. funny. I really did train for that one - my mother got married that weekend - who'd have guessed???

I'd still put Mt. Stuart or the 3Sisters climb C and I did in the same realm as the Leona race. Those were WAY scarier and WAY WAY WAY more technical (particularly Stuart. there was some serious craziness on that mountain).